#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bootimg.h" typedef unsigned char byte; int read_padding(FILE* f, unsigned itemsize, int pagesize) { byte* buf = (byte*)malloc(sizeof(byte) * pagesize); unsigned pagemask = pagesize - 1; unsigned count; if((itemsize & pagemask) == 0) { free(buf); return 0; } count = pagesize - (itemsize & pagemask); fread(buf, count, 1, f); free(buf); return count; } void write_string_to_file(char* file, char* string) { FILE* f = fopen(file, "w"); fwrite(string, strlen(string), 1, f); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, f); fclose(f); } int usage() { printf("usage: unpackbootimg\n"); printf("\t-i|--input boot.img\n"); printf("\t[ -o|--output output_directory]\n"); printf("\t[ -p|--pagesize ]\n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; char* directory = "./"; char* filename = NULL; int pagesize = 0; argc--; argv++; while(argc > 0){ char *arg = argv[0]; char *val = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; if(!strcmp(arg, "--input") || !strcmp(arg, "-i")) { filename = val; } else if(!strcmp(arg, "--output") || !strcmp(arg, "-o")) { directory = val; } else if(!strcmp(arg, "--pagesize") || !strcmp(arg, "-p")) { pagesize = strtoul(val, 0, 16); } else { return usage(); } } if (filename == NULL) { return usage(); } int total_read = 0; FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb"); boot_img_hdr header; //printf("Reading header...\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i <= 512; i++) { fseek(f, i, SEEK_SET); fread(tmp, BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE, 1, f); if (memcmp(tmp, BOOT_MAGIC, BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE) == 0) break; } total_read = i; if (i > 512) { printf("Android boot magic not found.\n"); return 1; } fseek(f, i, SEEK_SET); printf("Android magic found at: %d\n", i); fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, f); printf("BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE %s\n", header.cmdline); printf("BOARD_KERNEL_BASE %08x\n", header.kernel_addr - 0x00008000); printf("BOARD_PAGE_SIZE %d\n", header.page_size); if (pagesize == 0) { pagesize = header.page_size; } //printf("cmdline...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", directory, basename(filename)); strcat(tmp, "-cmdline"); write_string_to_file(tmp, header.cmdline); //printf("base...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", directory, basename(filename)); strcat(tmp, "-base"); char basetmp[200]; sprintf(basetmp, "%08x", header.kernel_addr - 0x00008000); write_string_to_file(tmp, basetmp); //printf("pagesize...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", directory, basename(filename)); strcat(tmp, "-pagesize"); char pagesizetmp[200]; sprintf(pagesizetmp, "%d", header.page_size); write_string_to_file(tmp, pagesizetmp); total_read += sizeof(header); //printf("total read: %d\n", total_read); total_read += read_padding(f, sizeof(header), pagesize); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", directory, basename(filename)); strcat(tmp, "-zImage"); FILE *k = fopen(tmp, "wb"); byte* kernel = (byte*)malloc(header.kernel_size); //printf("Reading kernel...\n"); fread(kernel, header.kernel_size, 1, f); total_read += header.kernel_size; fwrite(kernel, header.kernel_size, 1, k); fclose(k); //printf("total read: %d\n", header.kernel_size); total_read += read_padding(f, header.kernel_size, pagesize); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", directory, basename(filename)); strcat(tmp, "-ramdisk.gz"); FILE *r = fopen(tmp, "wb"); byte* ramdisk = (byte*)malloc(header.ramdisk_size); //printf("Reading ramdisk...\n"); fread(ramdisk, header.ramdisk_size, 1, f); total_read += header.ramdisk_size; fwrite(ramdisk, header.ramdisk_size, 1, r); fclose(r); fclose(f); byte* second = (byte*)malloc(header.second_size); SHA_CTX ctx; unsigned char sha[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /* put a hash of the contents in the header so boot images can be * differentiated based on their first 2k. */ SHA1_Init(&ctx); SHA1_Update(&ctx, kernel, header.kernel_size); SHA1_Update(&ctx, &header.kernel_size, sizeof(header.kernel_size)); SHA1_Update(&ctx, ramdisk, header.ramdisk_size); SHA1_Update(&ctx, &header.ramdisk_size, sizeof(header.ramdisk_size)); SHA1_Update(&ctx, second, header.second_size); SHA1_Update(&ctx, &header.second_size, sizeof(header.second_size)); /* tags_addr, page_size, unused[2], name[], and cmdline[] */ SHA1_Update(&ctx, &header.tags_addr, 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 512); SHA1_Final(sha, &ctx); char chksum[41]; int n; for (n=0; n<20; n++) snprintf(&chksum[n*2], 3, "%02X", sha[n]); int cmp = memcmp(header.id, sha, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH > sizeof(header.id) ? sizeof(header.id) : SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); printf("Checksum %s %s\n", chksum, cmp ? "WRONG" : "OK"); //printf("Total Read: %d\n", total_read); return 0; }