/*********************************************************************** ** ** memtool.c ** ** Copyright (C) 2020 Herbert Poetzl ** ** Memory Tool ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as ** published by the Free Software Foundation. ** ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *cmd_name = NULL; static uint64_t num_fill = 0L; static uint64_t num_wdat = 0L; static uint16_t num_cols = 0; static bool opt_num = false; static bool opt_dump = false; static bool opt_read = false; static bool opt_write = false; static bool opt_check = false; static bool opt_fill = false; static bool opt_lfsr = false; static bool opt_cols = false; static bool opt_quiet = false; static bool opt_verb = false; static bool opt_rreg = false; static bool opt_wreg = false; static enum { DS_0 = 0, DS_8 = 8, DS_16 = 16, DS_32 = 32, DS_64 = 64, } opt_ds = DS_0; const char *mem_dev = "/dev/mem"; static int mem_fd = 0; static void *map_ptr = NULL; static void *mem_ptr = NULL; static unsigned mem_prot = 0; static uint32_t map_addr = 0L; static uint32_t mem_addr = 0L; static uint32_t map_size = 0L; static uint32_t mem_size = 0L; static uint32_t page_size = 0L; typedef long long int (stoll_t)(const char *, char **, int); long long int argtoll( const char *str, const char **end, stoll_t stoll) { int bit, inv = 0; long long int val = 0; char *eptr; if (!str) return -1; if (!stoll) stoll = strtoll; switch (*str) { case '~': case '!': inv = 1; /* invert */ str++; default: break; } while (*str) { switch (*str) { case '^': bit = strtol(str+1, &eptr, 0); val ^= (1LL << bit); break; case '&': val &= stoll(str+1, &eptr, 0); break; case '|': val |= stoll(str+1, &eptr, 0); break; case '-': case '+': case ',': case '=': case '/': break; default: val = stoll(str, &eptr, 0); break; } if (eptr == str) break; str = eptr; } if (end) *end = eptr; return (inv)?~(val):(val); } static inline uint8_t lfsr_7(uint8_t val) { uint8_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 6) & 1); return (rol ^ ((val >> 5) & 1)) & 0x7F; } static inline uint16_t lfsr_15(uint16_t val) { uint16_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 14) & 1); return (rol ^ ((val >> 13) & 1)) & 0x7FFF; } static inline uint32_t lfsr_31(uint32_t val) { uint32_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 30) & 1); return (rol ^ ((val >> 27) & 1)) & 0x7FFFFFFF; } static inline uint64_t lfsr_63(uint64_t val) { uint64_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 62) & 1); return (rol ^ ((val >> 61) & 1)) & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; } static inline uint8_t lfsr_8(uint8_t val) { uint8_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 7) & 1); uint8_t xor = (val >> 5) ^ (val >> 4) ^ (val >> 3); return rol ^ (xor & 1); } static inline uint16_t lfsr_16(uint16_t val) { uint16_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 15) & 1); uint16_t xor = (val >> 14) ^ (val >> 12) ^ (val >> 3); return rol ^ (xor & 1); } static inline uint32_t lfsr_32(uint32_t val) { uint32_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 31) & 1); uint32_t xor = (val >> 21) ^ (val >> 1) ^ (val >> 0); return rol ^ (xor & 1); } static inline uint64_t lfsr_64(uint64_t val) { uint64_t rol = (val << 1) | ((val >> 63) & 1); uint64_t xor = (val >> 62) ^ (val >> 60) ^ (val >> 59); return rol ^ (xor & 1); } static void fill_u8(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint8_t val) { while (cnt--) *ptr++ = val; } static void fill_u16(uint16_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint16_t val) { while (cnt--) *ptr++ = val; } static void fill_u32(uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t val) { while (cnt--) *ptr++ = val; } static void fill_u64(uint64_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t val) { while (cnt--) *ptr++ = val; } static void lfsr_u8(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint8_t val) { while (cnt--) { *ptr++ = val; val = lfsr_8(val); } } static void lfsr_u16(uint16_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint16_t val) { while (cnt--) { *ptr++ = val; val = lfsr_16(val); } } static void lfsr_u32(uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t val) { while (cnt--) { *ptr++ = val; val = lfsr_32(val); } } static void lfsr_u64(uint64_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t val) { while (cnt--) { *ptr++ = val; val = lfsr_64(val); } } static uint32_t check_u8(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint8_t val) { while (cnt--) if (*ptr++ != val) break; return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t check_u16(uint16_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint16_t val) { while (cnt--) if (*ptr++ != val) break; return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t check_u32(uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t val) { while (cnt--) if (*ptr++ != val) break; return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t check_u64(uint64_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t val) { while (cnt--) if (*ptr++ != val) break; return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t clfsr_u8(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint8_t val) { while (cnt--) { if (*ptr++ != val) break; val = lfsr_8(val); } return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t clfsr_u16(uint16_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint16_t val) { while (cnt--) { if (*ptr++ != val) break; val = lfsr_16(val); } return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t clfsr_u32(uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t val) { while (cnt--) { if (*ptr++ != val) break; val = lfsr_32(val); } return cnt + 1; } static uint32_t clfsr_u64(uint64_t *ptr, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t val) { while (cnt--) { if (*ptr++ != val) break; val = lfsr_64(val); } return cnt + 1; } static void action(const char *name) { if (opt_quiet || !opt_verb) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s memory 0x%08X @0x%08X.\n", name, mem_size, mem_addr); } #define VERSION "V0.3" #define OPTIONS "h1248dlnqrvwC:F:N:RW:" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int c, err_flag = 0; cmd_name = argv[0]; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "This is %s %s\n" "Options are:\n" "\t-h print this help message\n" "\t-1 byte size (8 bit) data\n" "\t-2 half word (16 bit) data\n" "\t-4 word size (32 bit) data\n" "\t-8 double word (64 bit) data\n" "\t-d dump memory\n" "\t-l use LFSR for data\n" "\t-n number of words not size\n" "\t-q quiet operation\n" "\t-r read data from memory\n" "\t-v be verbose about actions\n" "\t-w write data to memory\n" "\t-C check memory\n" "\t-F fill memory\n" "\t-N number of columns\n" "\t-R read memory location\n" "\t-W write memory location\n" , cmd_name, VERSION); exit(0); case '1': opt_ds = DS_8; break; case '2': opt_ds = DS_16; break; case '4': opt_ds = DS_32; break; case '8': opt_ds = DS_64; break; case 'n': opt_num = true; break; case 'd': opt_dump = true; break; case 'l': opt_lfsr = true; break; case 'q': opt_quiet = true; break; case 'r': opt_read = true; break; case 'v': opt_verb = true; break; case 'w': opt_write = true; break; case 'C': opt_check = true; num_fill = argtoll(optarg, NULL, NULL); break; case 'F': opt_fill = true; num_fill = argtoll(optarg, NULL, NULL); break; case 'N': opt_cols = true; num_cols = argtoll(optarg, NULL, NULL); break; case 'R': opt_rreg = true; break; case 'W': opt_wreg = true; num_wdat = argtoll(optarg, NULL, NULL); break; default: err_flag++; break; } } if (argc > optind) { mem_addr = argtoll(argv[optind++], NULL, NULL); } else { err_flag++; } if (argc > optind) { mem_size = argtoll(argv[optind++], NULL, NULL); } if (err_flag) { if (!opt_quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -[" OPTIONS "] \n" "%s -h for help.\n", cmd_name, cmd_name); exit(1); } page_size = getpagesize(); if (opt_ds == DS_0) opt_ds = DS_32; if (opt_rreg || opt_wreg) { mem_size = opt_ds/8; goto rskip; } if (opt_num) { mem_size *= (opt_ds/8); } if (!opt_cols) { switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: num_cols = 16; break; case DS_16: num_cols = 8; break; case DS_32: num_cols = 6; break; case DS_64: num_cols = 4; break; default: num_cols = 1; break; } } rskip: mem_fd = open(mem_dev, O_RDWR | O_SYNC); if (mem_fd == -1) { if (!opt_quiet) fprintf(stderr, "error opening >%s<.\n%s\n", mem_dev, strerror(errno)); exit(2); } map_addr = mem_addr & ~(page_size-1); map_size = mem_size + (mem_addr - map_addr); mem_prot = PROT_READ | ((opt_write || opt_fill || opt_wreg) ? PROT_WRITE : 0); map_ptr = mmap(NULL, map_size, mem_prot, MAP_SHARED, mem_fd, map_addr); if (map_ptr == (void *)-1) { if (!opt_quiet) fprintf(stderr, "error mapping 0x%08X @0x%08X.\n%s\n", map_size, map_addr, strerror(errno)); exit(3); } mem_ptr = map_ptr + (mem_addr - map_addr); action("mapped"); if (opt_rreg || opt_wreg) goto rmode; if (opt_fill) { action("filling"); switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: if (opt_lfsr) lfsr_u8(mem_ptr, mem_size, num_fill & 0xFF); else fill_u8(mem_ptr, mem_size, num_fill & 0xFF); break; case DS_16: if (opt_lfsr) lfsr_u16(mem_ptr, mem_size/2, num_fill & 0xFFFF); else fill_u16(mem_ptr, mem_size/2, num_fill & 0xFFFF); break; case DS_32: if (opt_lfsr) lfsr_u32(mem_ptr, mem_size/4, num_fill & 0xFFFFFFFF); else fill_u32(mem_ptr, mem_size/4, num_fill & 0xFFFFFFFF); break; case DS_64: if (opt_lfsr) lfsr_u64(mem_ptr, mem_size/8, num_fill); else fill_u64(mem_ptr, mem_size/8, num_fill); break; default: exit(5); } } else if (opt_write) { ssize_t cnt = mem_size; void *ptr = mem_ptr; action("writing"); while (cnt > 0) { ssize_t len = read(0, ptr, cnt); if (len == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error reading from stdin.\n%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(4); } cnt -= len; } } if (opt_check) { uint32_t cnt = 0; action("checking"); switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: if (opt_lfsr) cnt = clfsr_u8(mem_ptr, mem_size, num_fill & 0xFF); else cnt = check_u8(mem_ptr, mem_size, num_fill & 0xFF); break; case DS_16: if (opt_lfsr) cnt = clfsr_u16(mem_ptr, mem_size/2, num_fill & 0xFFFF); else cnt = check_u16(mem_ptr, mem_size/2, num_fill & 0xFFFF); break; case DS_32: if (opt_lfsr) cnt = clfsr_u32(mem_ptr, mem_size/4, num_fill & 0xFFFFFFFF); else cnt = check_u32(mem_ptr, mem_size/4, num_fill & 0xFFFFFFFF); break; case DS_64: if (opt_lfsr) cnt = clfsr_u64(mem_ptr, mem_size/8, num_fill); else cnt = check_u64(mem_ptr, mem_size/8, num_fill); break; default: exit(5); } if (cnt) { uint32_t offs = mem_size - (cnt * opt_ds / 8); uint32_t addr = mem_addr + offs; fprintf(stderr, "mismatch @0x%08X offset 0x%08X.\n", addr, offs); exit(7); } } else if (opt_dump) { ssize_t cnt = mem_size; void *ptr = mem_ptr; int col = 0; action("dumping"); while (cnt > 0) { char end = (col == (num_cols - 1)) ? '\n' : ' '; if (col == 0) printf("%08X: ", mem_addr + (ptr - mem_ptr)); switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: printf("%02X%c", *(uint8_t *)ptr, end); ptr += 1; cnt -= 1; break; case DS_16: printf("%04X%c", *(uint16_t *)ptr, end); ptr += 2; cnt -= 2; break; case DS_32: printf("%08X%c", *(uint32_t *)ptr, end); ptr += 4; cnt -= 4; break; case DS_64: printf("%016llX%c", *(uint64_t *)ptr, end); ptr += 8; cnt -= 8; break; default: exit(5); } col = (col + 1) % num_cols; } if (col) printf("\n"); } else if (opt_read) { ssize_t cnt = mem_size; void *ptr = mem_ptr; action("reading"); while (cnt > 0) { ssize_t len = write(1, ptr, cnt); if (len == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error writing to stdout.\n%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(6); } cnt -= len; } } goto rexit; rmode: if (opt_wreg) { switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: *(uint8_t *)mem_ptr = num_wdat & 0xFF; break; case DS_16: *(uint16_t *)mem_ptr = num_wdat & 0xFFFF; break; case DS_32: *(uint32_t *)mem_ptr = num_wdat & 0xFFFFFFFF; break; case DS_64: *(uint64_t *)mem_ptr = num_wdat; break; default: exit(5); } } if (opt_rreg) { switch (opt_ds) { case DS_8: printf("0x%02X\n", *(uint8_t *)mem_ptr); break; case DS_16: printf("0x%04X\n", *(uint16_t *)mem_ptr); break; case DS_32: printf("0x%08X\n", *(uint32_t *)mem_ptr); break; case DS_64: printf("0x%016llX\n", *(uint64_t *)mem_ptr); break; default: exit(5); } } rexit: munmap(map_ptr, map_size); exit(0); }