# Script to return pairs of filter id's for different cross compilers
# for a given patch, against its base applies tree.
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.00';
our $opt_debug = 1;
our $opt_patchinfo_url = "http://osdl.org/plm-cgi/plm?module=patch_info&patch_id";
exit main();
sub main {
my $id = shift @ARGV;
print "Patch: PLM-$id\n";
if (! -e "./plmdiff") {
die "Error: program plmdiff must be in current directory\n";
# Retrieve the patchinfo page for the patch
my $patchinfo_1 = get("$opt_patchinfo_url=$id")
or die "Couldn't get Patchinfo page for patch id '$id'!\n";
my %Results;
my $base_id;
foreach my $line (split "
{$id} = \%filt;
my $patchinfo_2 = get("$opt_patchinfo_url=$base_id")
or die "Couldn't get Patchinfo page for patch id '$base_id'!\n";
foreach my $line (split "
{$base_id} = \%filt;
# Now do a diff between each filter in $patchinfo_1 and $patchinfo_2
print crosscompile_report(\%Results, $base_id, $id);
# Parses a row of data and returns a hash containing the data items
sub parse_row {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ m|([\w-\s]+) |
(\d+) warnings, (\d+) errors |
my %filt = (
'name' => $1,
'warn' => $2,
'err' => $3,
'filter_id' => $4,
'status' => $5,
return %filt;
sub crosscompile_report {
my $r = shift;
my $id1 = shift;
my $id2 = shift;
my %report;
foreach my $filter (sort keys %$r) {
next unless $filter;
my $f1 = $r->{$filter}->{$id1};
my $f2 = $r->{$filter}->{$id2};
my $noteworthy = 0;
my $text = '';
next unless $f1->{status} and $f2->{status};
if ($f1->{status} ne $f2->{status}) {
$text .= "STATUS CHANGED: '$f1->{status}' --> '$f2->{status}'\n";
$noteworthy = 1;
if ($f1->{err} != $f2->{err}) {
$text .= "NEW ERRORS: " . ($f2->{err} - $f1->{err}) . "\n";
$noteworthy = 1;
if ($f1->{warn} != $f2->{warn}) {
$text .= "NEW WARNINGS: " . ($f2->{warn} - $f1->{warn}) . "\n";
$noteworthy = 1;
if ($noteworthy) {
print "./plmdiff $f1->{filter_id} $f2->{filter_id}\n";
$text .= `./plmdiff $f1->{filter_id} $f2->{filter_id}`;
my $tag = $filter;
$tag =~ s/cross compile//i;
$tag =~ s/^\s+//;
$tag =~ s/\s+$//;
if (! defined $report{$text}) {
$report{$text} = $tag;
} else {
$report{$text} .= ", $tag";
# Munge up the report so that if multiple cross compilers are giving
# the same results, we don't repeat the same thing over and over.
while (my ($text, $tag) = each %report) {
print "=== \U$tag CROSS-COMPILATION ===\n";
print "$text\n";